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Food Safety

So.Gest Ambiente makes analysis on food products, surfaces and food related environment, such as:

  • Sampling and analysis due to HACCP plan schedule

  • Microbiological analysis

  • Chemical analysis (pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals)

  • Shelf-life analysis

  • Nutritional cards


Water and Soil

So.Gest Ambiente makes analysis on water, soil and fodder samples, such as​:

  • Sampling and analysis of drinkable waters, superficial waters, sea waters, underground waters, pool waters

  • Sampling and analysis of soils intended for crops

  • Sampling and analysis for Legionella




So.Gest Ambiente gives public and private business consulting in:

  • Productive process studies, Hazard Analysis and identification of Critical Control Points

  • Legionella risk assessment documentation

  • HACCP planning for pools

  • Traceability of food products

  • Menu drafting with allergens indications

  • Consulting on materials and tools in contact with food products (MOCA)

  • Training for food experts (registration n.098/2019)



Ozonator testing

So.Gest Ambiente tests and certificates the effectiveness of your Ozonator or Peroxide producer (vaporizer, nebulizer or atomizer) against:

  • mold

  • bacteria

  • viruses (including nCovid)

The test is made following the UNI-EN-17272-2020 and EN 17141:2020 standards.


So.Gest Ambiente Srl - Via dei Cantieri, 47, Palermo, PA 90142 - VAT number 04507550822 -

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